Therapy & Training SOL Hypnosis® PALAWAN
Everything is made up of frequencies and vibrations, and you are the instrument that plays the music. So why should you allow yourself to be instrumentalized instead of playing your own song, consciously?
Empower yourself. No one can know better what you need and what is good for you than you. The word "self-response" says it: the answer lies in the Self.
But what is this "Self?" When you are aware of yourself, you become self-aware and become aware of your abilities, your "Higher Self" again.
You are not your body, you HAVE a body. You are not your thoughts, you HAVE thoughts. We are neither what we see in the mirror nor what we think. We are PURE CONSCIOUSNESS.
In order to become aware again of what is hidden in the subconscious, we conduct a dialogue with the subconscious in the so-called Theta-State (= deep relaxation state or also called hypnotic trance).
Thanks to this dialogue in Theta-State, our clients become aware of themselves again and are able to lead a fully independent, healthy and fulfilled life again.
OUr success warranty
We cannot guarantee the success of SOL-Hypnosis® in advance, because every human being is different and thus every hypnosis is different. Therefore, WE CHARGE THE INCURRED COSTS ONLY IN CASE OF SUCCESSFUL ANCHORING.

As everything is stored in the subconscious, in a hypnotic trance (called THETA State) we can ask your subconscious what is the cause of your physical and/or mental burden, called Regression. Then we can ask the subconscious mind to release and heal these burdens - called Re-Conditioning.
The therapy, which lasts about half a day, requires that we determine together carefully YOUR PERSONAL GOALS of the therapy in a preliminary conversation. This happens on the basis of very specific questions. You can download the questionnaire here and fill it out before your appointment with us.
HERE you can Download the Questionnaire for SOL-Hypnosis® Therapy.

LIve-online worldwide
LIVE-ONLINE hypnosis takes place in a "half-sitting, half-lying position". Your upper body, or at least your face, must be visible through the camera so that our therapist can perceive all movements during the entire hypnosis session and understand you well acoustically through the microphone. All details about LIVE-ONLINE Hypnosis, which you can do with us in the comfort of your own home (worldwide; english, french, german spoken), can be found here on the Preparation-Information sheet (Best Practice).
HERE you can Download the Best Practice Info for LIVE ONLINE Hypnosis.

training center
"Knowing is not doing. Doing isn't being able to do. And to be able is not yet to Be".
Therefore, in a pleasant and calm atmosphere, we not only transmit knowledge and wisdom to increase consciousness, but we always combine practice with knowledge. Every human being is different and so every group seminar is different. And because we address each individual in the seminar, we always achieve our goals, the goals of each individual and also those of the entire seminar group. The detailed description of the individual seminar modules are described hereafter.
HERE you can Download the Description of our Seminar & Training Modules.
HERE you can Download the Description of our entire Training Program.

Manifest consciously
The learning and working e-book as a guide to finally live free and self-empowered as you really want: with 12 hands-on tasks to continuously change the course in your life to abundance.
Send us an Email for ordering the free eBook (in english): HERE

Bewusst manifestieren
Das Lern- und Arbeits-E-Book als Leitfaden um endlich frei und selbstermächtigt zu leben wie du wirklich willst: mit 12 Aufgaben kontinuierlich die Weichen in deinem Leben zu Wohlstand umstellen.
Sende uns eine Email um das E-Book kostenlos zu erhalten (auf deutsch): HIER.

Top Secret(ion): Instruction manual of the human being
The E-Book on the essence of being human, knowledge of consciousness development, brainwashing and uncompromising self-empowerment.
Available (in english): HERE

Top Secret(ion): Be-triebsanleitung Mensch
Das E-Book zur Essenz des Menschseins, Wissen zur Bewusstseinsentwicklung, Gehirnwäsche und kompromisslose Selbstermächtigung.
Available (in german): HERE.

When the subconscious mind speaks
In the expanded state of consciousness of a deep, hypnotic trance, Manfred experiences direct contact with his subconscious. A true story told in novel form, written in a fascinating and deeply moving way.
Available in german HERE and for english please order via Email HERE.

Heilung durch SOL-Hypnose®
Trotz aller Fortschritte in der Medizin bleibt die Tatsache bestehen, dass sich letztlich nur der Körper selbst heilen kann. Wir alle haben einen inneren Arzt, den wir jederzeit aktivieren können. Dabei kann eine Methode helfen, deren Wirksamkeit von Experten nicht mehr in Frage gestellt wird: Die SOL-Hypnose®.
Erhältlich beim Buchverlag HIER.

Click here to visit our Channel SOL-HYPNOSIS® PALAWAN
Click here to visit our INSIDE-MIND Channel incl. many client testimonials.